Desulfurization with activated carbon toxic gas purification activated carbon

Column:Knowledge Hotspots Time:2019-09-12
The RFC series activated carbon produced by our company mainly includes coal-based activated carbon/granular activated carbon/columnar activated carbon/granular activated carbon/powdered activated carbon and so on. Mainly used for various water gas, coke oven gas, natural gas, chemical raw gas, flue gas of various sulfide essence, especially for H2S has a unique high efficiency, high precision purification effect, and no environmental pollution, can be recycled through recycling high purity sulfur.I. physical properties and characteristics:Kby-c series activated carbon is cylindrical solid particles with dark appearance, all of which are made of high-quality raw materials and a certain amount of adhesive and auxiliary catalyst after a series of fine processing including screening, batching, crushing, molding, drying, carbonization and spark. The screen has the characteristics of high activity, high porosity, large sulfur capacity, high desulfurization efficiency, good mechanical strength, good water resistance, low bed resistance, easy to be regenerated, and not easy to powder under high temperature and high pressure. Widely used in various industries gas phase desulfurization.Ii. Main technical parametersOur company's desulfurization series products, production process control and product inspection in strict accordance with the national standards GB7701.1.97 and gb7702.1-22.97.Model KBY-- type 1 activated carbon KBY-- type 2 activated carbon kby-2b activated carbon kby-3 activated carbon kby-4 activated carbon3. Basic principle of desulfurization1. H2S and a small amount of O2 in the gas are catalyzed by the surface of activated carbon, and the following reactions occur at room temperature and pressure: 2H2S+O2→2H2O+2S the water generated by the reaction is carried away along the airflow, and the generated elemental sulfur is absorbed by the activated carbon, thus achieving the purpose of removing H2S.2. Removal of organic sulfur in gasCOS accounts for more than 96% of organic sulfur. At room temperature, COS is hydrolyzed by activated carbon to generate H2S, which is then removed according to the removal principle of H2S. The reaction is as follows: COS+H2O→H2S+CO2 2H2S+O2→H2O+2SAccording to the gas phase desulfurization mechanism of activated carbon, the quality of activated carbon is mainly determined by the size of specific surface area of porosity and the strength of surface activity.3, regenerationAfter activated carbon desulfurization, activated carbon adsorption is the elemental sulfur, based on the physical and chemical characteristics of elemental sulfur and activated carbon adsorption and desorption of the basic principle of the active carbon layer through high temperature air without oxygen, activated carbon and the elemental sulfur are heated at the same time, when the temperature rises to more than 325 degrees Celsius, is melt into liquid or gaseous sulfur and by desorption from the activated carbon pore, with superheated steam out of the activated carbon bed, was sent to water cooling tank, sulfur is cooled to solid and heavy on the bottom of the channel to vent air flow over the cooling water. Activated carbon is recycled for further use and sulfur is recovered. According to the above basic regeneration principles, the regeneration of superheated steam in the 600℃ range, the higher the temperature, the better, regeneration time, cost, efficiency and temperature are directly related. According to the basic principle of desulfurization and regeneration of activated carbon, the method of removing sulfide from the gas by using activated carbon is the most economical and simple method without secondary environmental pollution, benefiting the country and people, and saving energy.Application process requirementsWhen the product is applied in practice, all the technological conditions must meet the following requirements before it can be used normally and achieve the ideal effect. If a certain condition can not meet the requirements, special measures can be taken to achieve. According to the application practice summary of hundreds of chemical fertilizer plants in recent years, the same product quality, due to the differences in various technological conditions, the final effect appears to be several times different, it can be seen that the application method and technological conditions of the product is crucial.1. Airspeed: 300~2000h-1 (under normal circumstances) urban gas application: ≤ 100h-12. 25-100℃ (best 32-52℃)3. The ratio of sulfide and oxygen content is more than 1:24. Relative humidity ≥70%(without liquid water entering activated carbon bed)5. Pressure: ≤6Mpa.6. Linear speed: ≤0.1m/s urban gas should be 0.01-0.05m /s7. Loading method: before loading, it is necessary to screen the dust generated during handling and storage. Loading is not allowed to directly pour from the top, activated carbon should talk about layer surface spread evenly, to prevent gas drift, so that activated carbon can not play a full role at the same time. After loading and before putting into operation, air should be blown out by air defense and remove the carbon powder adhering to the surface of the carbon particles, so as to prevent the carbon powder from being vertically lowered and affecting the production.8, effective desulfurization bed height diameter ratio: 1.5~2.59, acid and alkaline requirements in the gas: if the gas does not contain alkaline gas components (such as NH3), please use alkaline activated carbon.5. Matters needing attention1, transportation,Pay attention to prevent and control the mixing with hard materials and cause a lot of vibration friction, to reduce the fragmentation of carbon particles, affect the use.2, storageIt should be stored in a cool and dry place to prevent the breakage of inner and outer bags and direct contact with the outside world to absorb other substances and reduce the ability to absorb H2S and the effect of use.3. No blistersThis product belongs to porous adsorbent, so in the process of transportation, storage and use, it is absolutely necessary to prevent water immersion, a large amount of water filled with activated carbon pores, activated carbon loss.4, prevent tar substancesIn the production operation, the tar material should be prohibited into the activated carbon bed, because the surface of activated carbon particles covered with such material, fill the activated carbon control system to make it ineffective. Therefore, when the gas into the activated carbon bed, such as containing tar materials, should be added in addition to the tar device, to ensure the normal use of activated carbon.5, fire storage or transportation, placed in direct contact with the source of goods to prevent fire.

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